Thursday, September 1, 2011


Paket Bisnis Komplit Untuk Pemula dan EXPERT Ada di Sini dengan Harga Super Murah
satu atau dua produk saja tidak cukup untuk membuat seorang pemula bisa sukses berbisnis online menghasilkan banyak uang dari rumah hanya dengan waktu kerja 2-3 jam sehari. Oleh karena itu saya mempersembahkan untuk Anda, sebuah paket lengkap bisnis online yang berbayar, bukan yang saya dapatkan gratisan! mulai dari produk yang best seller dan masih dalam penjualan sampai yang website penjualannya sudah down sekalipun
Dijamin Tidak Akan Rugi, oleh karena itu simak website saya ini dengan teliti karena ini bisa jadi adalah titik balik kehidupan Anda saat ini menuju keadaan lebih baik.

"Semua dikemas dalam sebuah Paket Bisnis yang sudah terbukti menghasilkan uang ratusan ribu rupiah per harinya. GELO, EDAN DAN MANTAP! DIJAMIN TIDAK RUGI"

"Peralatan Rahasia"
Paling Direkomendasikan!
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Saya telah menghabiskan uang jutaan rupiah untuk bisa mendapatkan semua ini, mulai dari e-Book, Script, maupun Softwarenya, semua saya persembahkan untuk anda, ya hanya untuk anda......bukan yang lainnya, tetapi untuk anda yang telah beruntung mengetahui website saya ini. agar tidak seperti membeli kucing dalam karung, sedikit saya beritahukan apa saja sih yang ada di dalam paket e-Book Murah ini dan berapa harga yang harus anda keluarkan untuk mendapatkan semua ini jika tanpa bantuan saya? Simak Baik-baik....

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50 Master Resell Rights

Blogging Made Easy With Wordpress

250 Marketing Video Tutorial Madness

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"Paket Mesin Uang Siap Pakai"

Script1 Website Bisnis Investasi
Script ini adalah sebuah program investasi briliant super lengkap, design cantik dan menarik dilengkapi berbagai macam fitur smart Fasilitas Lock Visitor, Full Auto Responder yang bisa mengirim e-mail kepada prosfek untuk followup dengan 1 kali klik saja, System Randomizer, di Lengkapi Virtual Keyboard untuk menjamin kerahiaan password anda jika di akses dari Warnet, dll.
Jika anda ingin memiliki website bisnis investasi script website ini sangat cocok untuk anda, script berjalan si PHP versi berapa saja tanpa trial and error, silahkan Untuk mencoba Demo website ini klik disini

Script 2 Website Random Reseller
Website ini dirancang dan dimodifikasi dengan rancangan yang manis dan elegan untuk bisnis online anda, bisa anda gunakan untuk menawarkan produk unik yang anda miliki dengan System Random Reseller dengan fitur yang sangat lengkap autoresponder yang canggih, mudah di setting isi websitenya melalui halaman admin area ruang kendali website anda.
Jika anda ingin memiliki website ini segera order sekarang juga atau anda bisa juga mencoba websitenya, Untuk mencoba Demo website ini klik disini

Script 3 Mesin Uang Otomatis (SMUO) New Reseller (Versi Baru)

Inilah Website dengan System Reseller yang canggih versi terbaru yang banyak digunakan oleh pembisnis untuk bisnis online mereka, simple tapi design cantik, menarik dan elegan dengan fitur yang lengkap, memiliki fasilitas untuk Followup, seperti yang diterapkan di banyak website bisnis.
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 4 Random and Direct Sponsor

Website Bisnis Direct anda random reseller cokok untuk arisan online dengan kedalaman level tidak terbatas bisa digunakan untuk presentasikan bisnis Arisan Online
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini

Script 5 Website Iklan Baris Versi 1
Website Bisnis iklan baris gratis maupun premium cokok untuk anda yang ingin mengembangkan bisnis iklan baris untuk promosi website, anda bisa menghasilkan melalui pengguna internet yang ingin memasang banner di website iklan anda.
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
cript 6 Website Toko Online

Website Toko Online ini cocok untuk anda yang ingin menjual barang jualan di perusahaan anda dengan sistem pengiriman barang melalui paket langsung ke rumah member.
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 7 Website Toko Online Sederhana

Website Toko Online Sederhana cocok untuk anda yang akan mengembangkan bisnis dengan sustem Penjualan Langsung, Produk dapat di tambah dan dikurangi sesuai dengan barang dagangan persediaan yang anda miliki
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 8 Website Iklan Baris Indonesia

Website Iklan Baris Portal Indonesia dengan sistem Open Source Manajemen, Isi websitenya bisa di edit saat online, jika dimodifikasi bisa dijadikan sebagai Portal Website Iklan Baris cocok untuk anda yang akan mengembangkan bisnis Jasa Pemasangan Iklan Baris,
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya "admin" ingin mencobanya klik disini

Script 9 Website Bisnis SMUO Default Reseller

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini

Script 10 Website Bisnis SMUO Versi 2

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini

Script 11 Website MLM 15 Level

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini

Script 12 Website Bisnis Random

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disin
Script 13 Website Bisnis MLM 3 Level

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini

Script 14 Iklan Baris Langsung Tayang

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk Mencoba Admin Area silahkan masukan id " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " Mencoba Website anda Klik disini
Script 15 Website Bisnis e-commerse

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk Mencoba Admin Area silahkan masukan id " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " Mencoba Website anda Klik disini
Script 16 Website Bisnis SMUO Plus Autoresponden

Script SMUO dengan design yang menarik yang dilengkapi dengan Script Autoresponden untuk mengumpulkan mailing list alamat e-mail dari yang mendownload produk gratis di website anda
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini

Script 17 Website Bisnis MLM 5 Level

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini

Script 18 Website Bisnis Iklan Baris Versi 3

Maaf, demo belum tersedia!

Script 19 Website Bisnis Iklan Baris V4

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " (MENU LOGIN)
Script 20 Responder Lengkap

Script Ini bisa dipasang di website anda sebagai pengumpul alamat e-mail dengan memberikan produk secara gratis yang anda miliki, Selanjutnya e-mail yang terkumpul bisa kita jadikan sebagai prospek untuk promosi dalam meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan ke website anda, dan tentunya akan meningkakan penjualan dan penghasilan anda.
Untuk mencoba Scriptnya anda klik disini
Script 21 Iklan Baris Versi 2

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya "123456". (LOGIN MENU)
Script 22 Support System

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disin
Script 23 Auracms 2

Website dengan sistem Auto Content Manajemen yang isi websitenya bisa di edit dan di atur melalui admin area Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " auracms " (LOGIN MENU)
Script 24 Portal Indonesia

Website dengan sistem Auto Content Manajemen yang isi websitenya bisa di edit dan di atur melalui admin area Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " endonesia " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 25 Portal Jurpopage 2

Website dengan sistem Auto Content Manajemen yang isi websitenya bisa di edit dan di atur melalui admin area Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 26 Forum Diskusi Sederhana

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 27 Forum Diskusi Lengkap

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 28 Lowongan Kerja

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " pass " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 29 Download Creator

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 30 Ftp Upload Server

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 31 Koleksi Ide Online

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 32 Mail Giant Pro

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin "
Script 33 Arisan Online

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " pb373915 " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 34 Auction

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 35 Arisan egold

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 36 Reseller Right Manajer

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan password gunakan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 37 Property Manajemen

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 38 PHP Auto Member Area

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 39 Sedot egold

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 40 Software Index

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 41 Force Matrix

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 42 Web Chatting

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 43 MLM Classified

Maaf demo belum tersedia!
Script 44 HYIP Manajer

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " (MEMBER LOGIN)
Script 45 MLM 9x9

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 46 Investasi Classified

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " (LOGIN AREA)
Script 47 NX10 Level

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 48 Jawara Plasa

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya klik disini
Script 49 HYIP Monitor

Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Untuk masuk ke Ruang Kendali anda membutuhkan username id dan password gunakan username " admin " dan passwordnya " admin " ingin mencobanya (LOGIN MENU)
Script 50 ATS PHP 5
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 51 HYIP Manager Script 2009
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 52 Website Lelang (Ebay)
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 53 Penyingkat URL
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini
Script 52 Video Search Engine
Untuk mencoba website anda klik disini

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Program Penjualan (termasuk Retur), Pembelian (termasuk Retur), Stock dan Keuangan (Hutang - Piutang dgn berbagai macam Kas) untuk usaha dagang.

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Senilai : Rp. 500.000

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Software yang berguna sekali bagi Warnet atau Game Center Online. Memudahkan dalam pendataan client. Fitur Lengkap dan Sangat User Friendly

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Senilai : Rp. 1.500.000

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Detail Lengkap Paket Software Ini
MRR #1 "50 Master Resell Rights"

Product #1 "Product Launch 1...2...3"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #2 "The High Rollers Guide To Joint Ventures"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #3 "Easy JV & Affiliate Manager"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #4 "Adsense: The Dollar Producing Factory"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #5 "Making Money With Autoresponders"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #6 "Joint Venture Secrets"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #7 "Product Launch Strategies"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #8 "Online Freelancing"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #9 "Affiliate Marketer's Toolkit"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #10 "True Secrets Of Profiting With Co-Registration Leads"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #11 "Personalize Your Website"
MASTER Resale Rights
Personalize Your Website

Product #12 "Software Index"
MASTER Resale Rights
Software Index

Product #13 "10 PLR Niche Article Packages "
Full MASTER Resale Rights
Product #14 "Easy Ebook Money"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #15 "Money Secrets Volume 1"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #16 "10 Easy & Instant Programming Tricks For Your Website"
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Product #17 "Handy Color Schemer"
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Color Schemer

Product #18 "Stealth Banner Generator"
MASTER Resell Rights
Stealth Banner

Product #19 "Adsense Business In-A-Box"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #20 "Email Auto Format"
MASTER Resell Rights

Product #21 "Instant Blog And Ping"
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Instant Blog and Ping

Product #22 "Build A Hugh List Using Free Tools"
MASTER Resale Rights

Product #23 "Keyword Niche Power"
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Product #24 "Unique One Time Offer"
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Product #25 "My Article Submitter"
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Product #26 "List management Secrets"
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Product #27 "Mailing List Gold"
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Product #28 "Niche Pay Per click Empire"
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Product #29 "How To Create Your Own Ebook without Writing One Word"
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Product #30 "Paid Customer Goldmine"
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Product #31 "The Big Article Pack"
MASTER Resale Rights
Contribution 2 from Edmond Loh

Product #32 "Instant Affiliate Articles"
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Product #33 "Instant Internet Marketing Articles"
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Product #34 "The Mega Private Label Article Pack"
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Product #35 "The Making Of An Internet Millionaire"
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Product #36 "PDF Labeling And Stamper Pro"
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PDF Stamper

Product #37 "Podcasting Made Easy"
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Podcast Made Easy

Product #38 "Content Magnet"
ull MASTER Resale Rights
Content Magnet Article Extractor

Product #39 "Ebay Pro"
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Ebay Pro

Product #40 "ReSell It On Ebay"
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Resell It On Ebay

Product #41 "15 Of The Biggest Questions In Online Marketing Answered"
Full MASTER Resale Rights

Product #42 " South-East Asia Rising Internet Marketers"
Full MASTER Resale Rights

Product #43 "Autopilot Niche Ezines"
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Product #44 "Sales Page Rapid Fire"
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Product #45 "Confessions Of A Follow Up Marketing Geek"
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Product #46 "Product Launch Secrets"
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Product #47 "17 Skills"
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Product #48 "Scorching Hot Resell Tips"
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Product #49 "Download Site Creator"
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Product #50 "Back Burner Traffic"
MASTER Resell Rights

MRR #2
"Blogging Made Easy With Wordpress"

Blogging Made Easy With Wordpress
"In Just A Few Hours Following My Step-By-Step Online Video Tutorials, I'm Confident You Will Be Able To Start Posting On Your New Blog Without Having To Scratch Your Head Again"
Blogging Made Easy With Wordpress
This video coaching series come in the form of 10 videos that you view on your computer. I've included a full list for you here:
Video #1
In this video I'll walk you through the steps of installing Wordpress manually on your server. This involves the whole process of installation, including how to create your MySQL databases on your server.
Video Time: 15 min 43 sec
Video #2
In this video I'll walk you through the steps of installing Wordpress hosting account. This is the fastest and easiest method to get your blog set up.
Video Time: 4 min 43 sec
Video #3
In this video I'll briefly explain on the general overview of the admin area. This will be the area where you will configure all your blog settings, feel and look, posting of messages, managing posts, etc.
Video Time : 13 min 55 sec
Video #4
In this video I'll walk you through working with the themes. There are many Wordpress themes that are free on the internet. However, you will have to know on how to use them yourself. So this video will show you how.
Video Time : 4 min 03 sec
Video #5
In this video I'll show you how to replace the default header of the theme to your own desired header image.
Video Time : 4 min 59 sec
Video #6
In this video I'll briefly explain on how to work with the theme editor. This involves a bit of work trying to figure out a few line of codes. With this video, it will be much easier for you.
Video Time : 10 min 20 sec
Video #7
In this video I'll show you on how to work with plugins, including the addition of two sample plugins.
Video Time : 13 min 31 sec
Video #8
In this video I'll show you on how to work with widgets. Working with this will be very easy for you once you've watched the video.
Video Time : 14 min 25 sec
Video #9
In this video I'll show you on how to change your permalinks to make your blog more search-engine friendly.
Video Time : 9 min 42 sec
Video #10
In this video I'll walk you through on how to deal with the posts, pages and categories. This will be the section where you will manage, write & edit your posts & pages.
Video Time : 11 min 37 sec

MRR #3 " 250 Marketing Video Tutorial Madness"

Introducing... "The Internet Marketing Video Tutorial Madness". Featuring more than 250 easy to follow, pleasurable to watch and listen to Videos, of down to earth and practical tutorials on 'How to Start and Explode Your Business On The Internet, Step by Step'

Dear Friend,
If you're anything like me it doesn't matter how many times someone tells you how to do something, if you don't know how, you just don't know how. BUT if someone shows me (as opposed to tell) the penny drops immediately and I am away and running.
The videos in this package act as a total internet marketing library, which you can dip into and watch every time you need to learn a new skill.
Read on for complete details...
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 1:

How To Create A Minisite In 30 Minutes Or Less
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These fourteen internet marketing videos come to a total playing time of over three hours: one-hundred and eighty-four (184) minutes in total. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:
  • Video One (7 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through exactly what a minisite is and examples of successful minisite designs
  • Video Two (8 Minutes) - Here I'll show you where to get the best 100% free web page creator.
  • Video Three (28 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you step-by-step exactly how to easily create your first minisite. You literally will have your first minisite made in the next thirty minutes.
  • Video Four (18 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to expand on your single page website to turn it into an easy to use and very effective multi-page minisite.
  • Video Five (17 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through advanced formatting options and how to easily apply them to your minisites
  • Video Six (19 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to take a minisite for a "resale rights" product (a product you have the right to sell - like this one) and easily customize it with your own details so you can quickly be up and running and making sales.
  • Video Seven (9 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to use FrontPage to create minisites. Now, FrontPage isn't free of course, but if you have the software installed on your computer, you'll find this video a great primer to using it successfully for creating minisites.
  • Video Eight (8 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to use DreamWeaver to create your own minisites. Now - DreamWeaver isn't cheap and is really designed for professional web designers, but if you're interested in learning this software you'll find this video a great introduction.
  • Video Nine (15 Minutes) In this video I'll show you how small changes to your minisite pages can help bring you a lot of free search engine traffic.
  • Video Ten (9 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to instantly check that every link on your website is working as it should. You'll find this tip a real time saver.
  • Video Eleven (8 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you where to get software 100% for free that allows you to copy your web pages on to the internet.
  • Video Twelve (19 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through step-by-step exactly how to get your web pages from your computer to your website. This process is known as "FTP", and can be very confusing if you're new to it. However, I'll talk you through every single step to help you find the process quick and easy.
  • Video Thirteen (5 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to get your own unique "address" on the web, and how to get it live and ready to receive visitors.
  • Video Fourteen (14 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to quickly and easily create ClickBank and PayPal order links so you can be up, running and taking orders from your minisite instantly.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 2:

29 Easy & Instant Web Design Tricks
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These twenty-nine videos come to a total playing time of one-hundred and thirty-two (132) minutes. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:
  • Video One (6 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to highlight text on your site to bring more attention to it. This is a tactic which I often use and it works an absolute treat.
  • Video Two (11 Minutes) - Here I'll reveal a very little known tactic for making your popup links work in ALL circumstances. Very few people know this, but by not using it you're potentially losing sales especially as more and more people have popup blockers these days.
  • Video Three (4 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to give your images more context which also has the benefit of potentially giving your pages more of a boost in the search engines.
  • Video Four (2 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to use the little-used "title" feature to make your links more likely to be clicked (this also helps you with your search engine rankings).
  • Video Five (4 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to use the simple but extremely powerful "non breaking space" feature.
  • Video Six (2 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to add a "strikethrough" to your text.
  • Video Seven (2 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to space out your bulleted and numbered lists so that they're easier to read.
  • Video Eight (4 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through a very useful feature that most people don't use: Sub lists - how to nest multiple bulleted and numbered lists one within the other.
  • Video Nine (10 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through a powerful yet under-used feature - how to apply advanced visual formatting to buttons (multiple backgrounds, border styles...).
  • Video Ten (4 Minutes) - Here I'll show you the quick and easy way to set up an instantly redirecting web page.
  • Video Eleven (3 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to underline text.
  • Video Twelve (6 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through a very useful little trick: how to set the font for the entire page with just four lines of code. This tactic helps your pages look great, and also helps them load considerably faster.
  • Video Thirteen (3 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to add great looking borders to your graphics the quick and easy way.
  • Video Fourteen (4 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to easily set the width and height of your graphics and the benefits this gives you.
  • Video Fifteen (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to validate your HTML (web code) for free and why this is so important.
  • Video Sixteen (3 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through a little know trick that you'll find very useful when linking to affiliate sites.
  • Video Seventeen (7 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to encrypt affiliate links so your commissions don't get stolen. Amazingly, some websites sell encryption software just like this for $30 or more. I'll show you where to get it free as an instant download.
  • Video Eighteen (7 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to link to your ClickBank order pages using links and also buttons.
  • Video Nineteen (3 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to add a button to your page that when pressed brings up a popup.
  • Video Twenty (6 Minutes) - Here I'll show you a very powerful piece of code that allows you to automatically submit a form on your website. This is pretty advanced and you may not find many uses for this, but I've used it several times and find it very, very useful. This is the first time I've shared it anywhere.
  • Video Twenty-One (3 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to add checkboxes to your pages and how you can use them as a sales tactic.
  • Video Twenty-Two (3 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to format checkboxes to help your pages stand out.
  • Video Twenty-Three (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to add "radio" buttons to your pages and how to use them for multiple choice questions.
  • Video Twenty-Four (6 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to easily format your radio buttons (multiple choice buttons) with borders, backgrounds and multiple colors.
  • Video Twenty-Five (3 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to add an under-used but very powerful style of popup that stops anyone leaving your site before they've read it! This tactic alone can boost your sales and opt-ins considerably.
  • Video Twenty-Six (3 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how (and why) to import code into your web pages.
  • Video Twenty-Seven (5 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you an incredibly easy way to structure your pages, website, and navigation. You can use this as an instant high-quality template for your websites.
  • Video Twenty-Eight (3 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to add one table within another on your page and when this is beneficial.
  • Video Twenty-Nine (3 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to format table borders in multiple styles and colors.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 3:

An Extra 29 Easy & Instant Web Design Tricks
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These twenty-nine videos come to a total playing time of over three hours - two hundred and two minutes in total. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:
  • Video One (10 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to create a popup that beats every blocker on the market.
  • Video Two (9 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through a tactic that allows you to easily keep private areas of your website out of the search engines.
  • Video Three (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to get all the PHP settings from your web site. Why is this important? Well, if you ever buy or install scripts, knowing this information is very important.
  • Video Four (11 Minutes) - Here I'll reveal an incredibly powerful tactic that allows you to redirect website visitors depending on which site they came from.
  • Video Five (14 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to stop people linking to and stealing your graphics.
  • Video Six (5 Minutes) - Here you'll discover how to add password protection to a web page in literally sixty seconds or less.
  • Video Seven (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through an advanced tactic that makes your JavaScript code compatible with all your visitors.
  • Video Eight (10 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to encrypt your JavaScript code - very important to help keep your website secure.
  • Video Nine (12 Minutes) - In this video I'll reveal a very easy to use but also very powerful way to password protect areas of your website.
  • Video Ten (5 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how you can fully customize your "Page Not Found" error messages.
  • Video Eleven (12 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to understand and start working with Server Side Includes.
  • Video Twelve (11 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to use Server Side Includes to import HTML code into any web pages you choose.
  • Video Thirteen (8 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to use Server Side Includes and PHP code together.
  • Video Fourteen (9 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to use Server Side Includes with any file extension you want.
  • Video Fifteen (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to use Server Side Includes to make changing your website links very quick and easy.
  • Video Sixteen (8 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to use the H1 tag together with CSS to help your page in the search engine rankings - and - look great at the same time.
  • Video Seventeen (4 Minutes) - In this video I follow on from the last video and talk you through how to use the H2 tag together with CSS to help your page in the search engine rankings even more.
  • Video Eighteen (9 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to create a great looking site map in literally two minutes.
  • Video Nineteen (3 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to add text input boxes to your pages.
  • Video Twenty (2 Minutes) - Here you'll discover how to limit how much text your website visitors can enter into your text boxes.
  • Video Twenty-One (2 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to set a default value for your input text boxes.
  • Video Twenty-Two (2 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to create a special type of input text box that's designed for accepting passwords.
  • Video Twenty-Three (4 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover a neat trick that makes your input text boxes look a lot nicer.
  • Video Twenty-Four (5 Minutes) - Here I'll show you a clever trick that makes your website links look far more interesting.
  • Video Twenty-Five (6 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to prompt your visitor with a Yes/No question whenever they click a link or button of your choosing.
  • Video Twenty-Six (3 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to instantly hide the contents of private folders on your website. This is an important security measure.
  • Video Twenty-Seven (8 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to disable folder listings. This is a somewhat advanced but very useful tactic.
  • Video Twenty-Eight (6 Minutes) - Here you'll discover a little-known but very powerful way to set up instant redirects on your website.
  • Video Twenty-Nine (6 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to easily add menus and sub-menus to your web pages.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 4:

Easy Steps To A Google Friendly Page
Videos Created by Louis Allport
Here's exactly what you get in these sixteen powerful videos:
  • Video One - In this video I'll talk you through the difference of "On Page" and "Off Page" Search Engine Optimization, and how to benefit from both.
  • Video Two - Here I'll show you one simple change you can make to your pages that will make them a lot easier for the search engine spiders to read and understand. The effectiveness of this simple change will surprise you.
  • Video Three - In this video I'll show you how one single element of the page can cost you very dear. You probably don't even consider this when creating a page; most don't. But by overlooking it you're losing a boatload of free traffic.
  • Video Four - Here I'll show you how to boost the search engine relevancy of your pages in literally eleven seconds flat.
  • Video Five - In this video I'll show you how to structure probably the most important section of your whole page. So many people get this wrong, but with this video you'll know better, and will find it much easier to list higher than your competition!
  • Video Six - Here I'll talk you through how to effectively use "hidden tags" in your pages.
  • Video Seven - In this video I'll show you how to easily influence exactly which description text the search engines use for your site.
  • Video Eight - Here I'll talk you through one of the most important HTML elements of your page that will help your search engine rankings greatly.
  • Video Nine - In this video you'll discover how to structure your page text so it's exactly what the search engines are looking for.
  • Video Ten - Here you'll discover how to automatically (and for free) check that you haven't over optimized your page into what search engines consider "spam". I've seen software selling for $100+ (amazing but true) that does this, but I'll reveal where to get the same functionality for free.
  • Video Eleven - In this video you'll discover a clever way to instantly optimize your graphics for the search engines.
  • Video Twelve - Here you'll discover the quick and easy way to optimize all the links on your site for the search engines.
  • Video Thirteen - In this video you'll discover a very little known way to instantly boost the relevancy of your page links.
  • Video Fourteen - Here you'll discover the automatic way to make sure the search engine spiders LOVE your pages.
  • Video Fifteen - In this video I'll show you how to easily avoid one of the biggest pitfalls ... that if you don't fix now will lose you ranking and even get your site banned from the search engines entirely!
  • Video Sixteen - Here you'll discover what NOT to do on your pages if you're serious about free search engine traffic. Many people still use these outdated and downright dangerous tactics on their pages thinking it will help them get more traffic. In fact it does the exact opposite.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 5:

How To Build Huge Niche Keywords Lists
Videos Created by Louis Allport
Here's what you'll immediately discover in these eleven videos:

  • Video One -- 14 Minutes Long - In this video you'll discover one of the most valuable free tools online for researching niche keywords. You'll see how to find hundreds of high quality, low competition keywords in just a couple of minutes.
  • Video Two -- 23 Minutes Long - Here I'll talk you through three very powerful tools that will add hundreds of new keyword phrases to your list quickly.
  • Video Three -- 12 Minutes Long - In this video I'll talk you through two online keyword research tools. You may already be familiar with them, or perhaps not. But even if you are, I'll show you how to get a lot more out of them quickly: One simple tactic you'll discover can easily multiply the size of your list by at least 500%!
  • Video Four -- 6 Minutes Long - Here I'll talk you through a legal, ethical, but little known way to get fantastic keyword ideas from your competition!
  • Video Five -- 4 Minutes Long - In this video I'll talk you through how to find a wealth of hidden sites on any topic you want to get keywords for. I'd wager your competition don't know about this tactic and you'll have an instant advantage.
  • Video Six -- 8 Minutes Long - Here I'll talk you through probably the most powerful, free keyword database in existence and how you can tap into it immediately to find niche keyword terms people are searching for right now.
  • Video Seven -- 7 Minutes Long - In this video you'll discover a secret tactic that can grow your keyword list by 1,000% in just five minutes. If you think that sounds crazy - you'll be amazed when you see this video...
  • Video Eight -- 9 Minutes Long - Here you'll discover how to use a little known piece of software that can multiply the size of your keyword phrase list dozens of times over. I'll show you right in front of your eyes how I turn a 237 term keyword list into a 10,443 term keyword list in less than two minutes!
  • Video Nine -- 15 Minutes Long - In this video I'll show you how to quickly, easily and automatically prepare your keyword lists for Google Adwords.
  • Video Ten -- 6 Minutes Long - Here I'll show you a little known tactic for automatically creating new keyword phrases.
  • Video Eleven -- 5 Minutes Long - In this video I'll show you how to organize your keyword lists for use (sorting alphabetically, removing duplicates...) in less than two minutes.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 6:

Automatically Updating Content To Your Website
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These nine videos come to a total playing time of eighty-nine minutes. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:
  • Video One (9 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to recognize RSS feeds and where you can find some of the best ones to use online.
  • Video Two (11 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to find Amazon and ClickBank RSS product feeds that you can add directly to your web sites. Some of these feeds can even be automatically set up to include your affiliate link - so you can profit with every click!
  • Video Three (12 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you the quickest and easiest way to add automatically updating RSS feeds to your websites on a wide range of subjects. This is a great way to get your feet wet with almost no fiddling around with code needed at all.
  • Video Four (14 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to create great formatted feeds from any RSS source, without doing any HTML coding at all!
  • Video Five (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through an advanced tactic allowing you to use RSS feeds with almost any kind of website.
  • Video Six (14 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how just a couple of lines of code added to any of your web pages can instantly add a fully formatted RSS feed of your choice.
  • Video Seven (13 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through my favorite free RSS feed software (it's incredibly powerful) and how to install it and start benefiting in just a couple of minutes.
  • Video Eight (5 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to quickly and easily apply formatting to your RSS feeds so that they fit and match the look of your site (or even any other look you may want).
  • Video Nine (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to fully customize your RSS feeds - how to choose the number of headlines and descriptions that display, how to easily apply advanced formatting to your feeds ... and much more!
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 7:

Instant Adsense Cash
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These eleven videos come to a total playing time of 137 minutes. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:

  • Video One (8 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to choose the right domains for your sites and how to get them at surprisingly low prices.
  • Video Two (13 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to choose the best web host for your sites.
  • Video Three (4 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to get your website live on the net within minutes.
  • Video Four (13 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to quickly and easily build huge targeted keyword lists.
  • Video Five (7 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through the vital yet often misunderstood step of setting up your Traffic Equalizer website templates.
  • Video Six (9 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to easily configure popups, ads and other options for your web pages.
  • Video Seven (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how by using Traffic Equalizer you can build a brand new web site in less than ten minutes!
  • Video Eight (13 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through some final website tweaks you'll want to make just before your web pages go live.
  • Video Nine (17 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through what to consider when putting together the front page of your website.
  • Video Ten (21 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through the exact step by step system I use to get a brand new traffic-pulling site online within twenty minutes.
  • Video Eleven (26 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how you can get piles of high-quality free search engine traffic the easy way
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 8:

5 Easy Ways To Maximize Your AdSense Commissions
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These ten videos come to a total playing time of 80 minutes. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:

  • Video One (4 Minutes) - In this video I reveal probably the easiest way to increase your AdSense clicks immediately.
  • Video Two (10 Minutes) - Here I talk you through how to make simple but vital changes to your web pages if you want to maximize your AdSense commissions.
  • Video Three (12 Minutes) - In this video I talk you through further ways you can structure your website pages to boost your clicks and commissions.
  • Video Four (4 Minutes) - Here I'll show you a little known way to automatically test different AdSense units one against the other to help you find what works best for your site. Important: this tactic doesn't need you to buy, install or use any third party software or services - what I show you is a little known feature of Google that allows you to do automatic split testing for your AdSense units and accurately track the results.
  • Video Five (4 Minutes) - In this video I talk you through how to customize your AdSense units for higher commissions.
  • Video Six (4 Minutes) - Here I reveal a very little known tactic that has been shown to increase AdSense commissions several times over.
  • Video Seven (9 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how one easy web page formatting option can increase your AdSense clicks many times over.
  • Video Eight (5 Minutes) - Here I'll reveal why not every AdSense click is made equal and why some AdSense clicks are actually losing you profits.
  • Video Nine (23 Minutes) - In this video I talk through a powerful web design "trick" that can save you hours, even days of work and which allows you to optimize your AdSense ad units with just a couple of minutes of work.
  • Video Ten (5 Minutes) - Here I'll reveal an often overlooked but potentially hugely profitable option within your AdSense control panel.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 9:

7 Fast Ways To Get Great Links To Your Website
Videos Created by Louis Allport
Here's what you'll discover as soon as you get these seven in depth videos:

  • Video One -- 18 Minutes Long - In this first video you'll discover a little known way to almost instantly get more links back to your website. I've quietly been using this linking tactic and have found it a very effective way to get a brand new site into the search engines for free ... if you know what you're doing. I wasn't sure whether I should share this tactic (for a number of reasons), but as soon as you get this video I'm sure you'll be glad I did.
  • Video Two -- 18 Minutes Long - In this video you'll discover an amazing way to set up good links to your own websites for free. And even better - search engines love this tactic! This may surprise you, but it's a tactic experienced search engine marketers have been quietly using to quickly give their site a real boost.
  • Video Three -- 21 Minutes Long - Want hundreds of high quality links back to your website in just a month or two? Well - in this video I'll show you how to easily do that. Really savvy marketers online have been using this tactic to profit big. I'm really surprised more people don't use this to be honest.
  • Video Four -- 23 Minutes Long - Now ... the linking tactic in this video might surprise you. I use it and it works well. Surprisingly well. And even if you're already aware of this tactic, I'll show you how to apply it once (it takes just an hour or two) and do it the right way so that your one time effort is multiplied almost exponentially, leading to a mass of new websites linking to you for months (even years) to come.
  • Video Five -- 14 Minutes Long - Want to give your search engine ranking a real shot in the arm? Then you need links from PR6, 7, 8 ... even PR9 pages. And however out of reach that may seem, you might be surprised at how easy it is to get them. I'll reveal how in this video.
  • Video Six -- 23 Minutes Long - The best high quality links on the web are the ones you control. And in this video you'll discover a proven tactic for getting very high quality links into your websites, for as long as you want, in a way the search engines love. And even better -- I'll show you how to be up and running with this tactic in less than a day!
  • Video Seven -- 11 Minutes Long - Long term linking strategies are what will keep you at the top of the search engines for years to come. In this video you'll discover the right way to help keep your site high in the search engines. Many people abuse this incredibly powerful tactic and find their sites penalized ... if not banned from the search engines entirely. I'll show you two very successful sites that use this tactic the right way - and how you can too.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 10:

Instant Audio Mastery
Videos Created by Louis Allport
Eight videos come to a total playing time of ninety-four minutes. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:

  • Video One (11 Minutes) - In this video I talk you through how to get all the free software you need to start recording and working with audio.
  • Video Two (17 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to start getting to grips with using this audio software. And even if you've never used audio software before, I'm sure you'll find it surprisingly easy.
  • Video Three (8 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to record audio on your computer. Very important and surprisingly easy.
  • Video Four (13 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to export your audio into different formats including the very popular MP3 format. And importantly - how to make sure your audio is suitable for visitors on dial up connections and on broadband connections.
  • Video Five (8 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how you can edit and make changes to your audio so you can have a huge amount of control on what you finally choose to publish.
  • Video Six (12 Minutes) - Here you'll discover how to easily apply powerful effects to your audio so you can make it louder, softer, add echo, give it a "bass boost", and much more too...
  • Video Seven (10 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to add MP3's to your website so that your visitors can download your audio and also even play the audio directly from your website using a "play list" (few people know this trick).
  • Video Eight (15 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to add Flash audio to your website. "Flash Audio" are the play buttons you see on websites that often play audio automatically when you visit. Some services offer you this for $30 a month but I'll show you how to add it to your website for free.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 11:

How To Create Streaming Audio Buttons On Your Website
Videos Created by Ameer Salim
5 videos. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:
  • Video 1 - Introduction to streaming audios (from Internet Marketing point of view
  • Video 2 - Creating your audio files, converting them to WAV/MP3 format, and converting them to audio buttons using MP3 Sound Stream
  • Video 3 - Integrating your audio buttons on your website
  • Video 4 - Creating your audio files, converting them to WAV/MP3 format, and converting them to audio buttons using Web Audio Suite from ResellPal (Part 1)
  • Video 5 - Creating your audio files, converting them to WAV/MP3 format, and converting them to audio buttons using Web Audio Suite from ResellPal (Part 2)
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 12:

How to create your own blog for free
Videos Created by Ameer Salim
6 videos. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:

  • Video One (6 Minutes) - Introduction and registration of your own account
  • Video Two (6 Minutes) - Editing your profile
  • Video Three (12 Minutes) - Editing and customizing the menu links
  • Video Four (14 Minutes) - Posting messages on your blog
  • Video Five (6 Minutes) - How to ftp your blog files to your own server
  • Video Six (6 Minutes) - Quick rundown of the basic settings of the blog system
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 13:

Instant Blog Traffic
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These 12 videos come to a total playing time of 89 minutes. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:

  • Video One (7 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover an overlooked traffic source that can literally bring you hundreds of visitors a day, for free!
  • Video Two (9 Minutes) - Here I'll reveal easy to apply tactics that can quickly get dozens, even hundreds of links pointing to your blog ... without you having to pay a dime!
  • Video Three (3 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk through a tactic that when used correctly has the ability to bring your website hundreds of thousands of visitors (yes, really).
  • Video Four (7 Minutes) - Here I'll talk through a controversial tactic that if you're feeling brave enough to use it, can get hundreds of links pointing to your blog, almost instantly.
  • Video Five (4 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk through an underused tactic that is almost guaranteed to get dozens, even hundreds of links pointing to your blog - if - you know how to use it the right way.
  • Video Six (4 Minutes) - Here you'll discover a dead easy tactic that can quickly get dozens of links pointing to your blog.
  • Video Seven (4 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover a style of blog post that if done right can get you thousands of visitors, often even in less than 24 hours from the moment you publish it.
  • Video Eight (5 Minutes) - Here you'll discover the simple secret blogs have used to get tens of thousands of visitors in just hours.
  • Video Nine (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk through yet another very simple tactic you can use to get tens of thousands of visitors to your blog in just hours
  • Video Ten (12 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through an easy to apply yet incredibly powerful tactic that can vastly increase the amount of repeat visitors you get to your blog (and no - I'm not talking about starting an email opt in list...)
  • Video Eleven (7 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to use and benefit from blog directories.
  • Video Twelve (21 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through dead easy to apply search engine optimization tricks that can massively increase the amount of free traffic you get to your blogs.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 14:

How To Get A Lot More Google Traffic For Free
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These eight videos come to a total playing time of 73 minutes. Here's a quick run down of what is inside this download

  • Video One (6 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover little-known tactics for getting stacks of free traffic from the very popular Google News.
  • Video Two (9 Minutes) - Here you'll discover how small changes to the graphics on your website can bring you a LOT more free traffic.
  • Video Three (18 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to get up and running with Google Sitemaps in the next 15 minutes (very important if you want MORE Google traffic).
  • Video Four (7 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through some amazing tactics sites are using to get stacks of free traffic from Google Video.
  • Video Five (10 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through one of Google's newest areas that many people are ignoring - but - if you know the secret you can get piles of free visitors from it. I'll also show you one site's private tactic that is driving thousands of visitors to their sites for free
  • Video Six (5 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how to get free traffic through Google's popular price comparison search engine
  • Video Seven (8 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through a dead easy tactic you can start using right now to bring free visitors to your site. It works immediately.
  • Video Eight (10 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through how if you sell any types of books, eBooks or reports online, you can boost your vis
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 15:

How To Create Profit-Pulling Toolbars
Videos Created by Louis Allport
Twenty-five videos (they come to 207 minutes in total). Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:
  • Video One (9 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through a wide range of popular toolbars you can install and how to use them for your own ideas and research purposes.
  • Video Two (9 Minutes) Here I'll talk you through how you can get great ideas for your own toolbars from Google and eBay.
  • Video Three (10 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how the Ask, Dogpile and Alexa toolbars can give you a huge amount of ideas.
  • Video Four (6 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how you (and your users) will be able to quickly, easily and effortlessly install and uninstall your toolbar.
  • Video Five (7 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how it takes just one minute to instantly update your toolbar on every single computer it's installed on!
  • Video Six (2 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to create a blank text file to get your toolbar creation process rolling ...
  • Video Seven (8 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through the easy way to structure your toolbar code. Even if you're not technical at all, you'll find it quick and easy.
  • Video Eight (16 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to start adding your own unique text to a toolbar. You can also add graphics if you like.
  • Video Nine (17 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to add buttons to your toolbar which can contain both graphics and text. You'll also discover how to create a button that when clicked redirects the user to a web address of your choosing.
  • Video Ten (5 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to add uninstall functionality to your toolbar. Even though you want your users to keep your toolbar installed for good, it's important you give them the choice.
  • Video Eleven (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through how to add the powerful Zoom In and Zoom Out features to your toolbar.
  • Video Twelve (18 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to add search functionality to your toolbar. You can set your toolbar up with as many search engines as you like to give your users tons of choice. You can even profit from this feature by sending your users to pay-per-click search engines where you get a percentage of each click. This is an advanced, powerful and profitable feature. I'll show you how to add this step by step.
  • Video Thirteen (5 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to add a drop-list menu to your toolbar if you would like. This way, rather than your users typing in what they're searching for, they simply choose it from a list.
  • Video Fourteen (10 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to add "highlight text" functionality to your toolbar. This is a very useful feature that allows your users to easily "find" (highlight) any text on the page that they want to.
  • Video Fifteen (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to add "Clear Search History" functionality to your toolbar. With this feature, your users can clear the previous searches that they've done through the toolbar.
  • Video Sixteen (9 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to add the Clear Cookies functionality to your toolbar. Depending what kind of toolbar you're looking to create, you might find this a useful and powerful feature to add to your toolbar.
  • Video Seventeen (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to add the "Clear Internet Explorer - Temporary Files" feature to your toolbar. You can use whatever text you like with this feature
  • Video Eighteen (16 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you step-by-step how to add a powerful and flexible popup blocker to your toolbar. It can be turned on and off by the user, and it can even update automatically so that it shows how many popups have been blocked so far.
  • Video Nineteen (2 Minutes) - In this short video I'll show you how to add separators to your toolbar. Here's an example of a separator added between two buttons:
  • Video Twenty (5 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through the important difference between Single and Split style menus for your toolbar. These two types of menus have different purposes, and you can choose at any time which is best for what you want from the toolbar.
  • Video Twenty-One (7 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to choose between a Split and Single style menu when you're creating your toolbar code. It's dead easy.
  • Video Twenty-Two (8 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to add as many unique menu items as you like to your menus.
  • Video Twenty-Three (7 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to add as many extra menus and even sub-menus to your toolbar as you want. Sub-menus allow you to fit even more features and functionality onto your toolbar.
  • Video Twenty-Four (7 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through in more detail the structure of these toolbar menus and how to quickly set up as many as you would like.
  • Video Twenty-Five (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how you can use menus to run commands like highlighting text, uninstalling the toolbar ... this will make your menus and toolbar even more powerful and flexible.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 16:

Instant Software Products
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These eight videos come to a total playing time of 92 minutes. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:

  • Video One (12 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you exactly the software I had created with just a $125 investment which has since been sold thousands of times!
  • Video Two (10 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through my private software creation process which I've never revealed before.
  • Video Three (5 Minutes) - In this video I'll reveal the quick and easy tactic I use for coming up with great software ideas.
  • Video Four (10 Minutes) - Here I'll talk you through what you need to know to choose the right programmer for your project, and how to make sure they get the project done on time, on budget, and to the highest quality.
  • Video Five (10 Minutes) - In this video I'll talk you through an often overlooked, but absolutely vital step in the software creation process.
  • Video Six (16 Minutes) - Here I'll show you exactly how I take the code the programmer creates and turn it into software I can successfully sell.
  • Video Seven (13 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you an easy way to add passwords to your software and offer your customers "advanced features" for an extra fee.
  • Video Eight (16 Minutes) - Here I talk you through an exact and detailed step by step demonstration of taking software code and turning it into something you can successfully sell ... you'll see exactly how I do this for my own software and how easy the process is if you know how.
Internet Marketing Video Series Number 17:

How To Secretly Spy On Your Internet Competition
Videos Created by Louis Allport
These eighteen videos come to a total playing time of almost two hours: one-hundred and fourteen (114) minutes in total. Here's a quick run down of exactly what you get:
  • Video One (9 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to find out exactly who owns a website, and how long they've owned it for.
  • Video Two (5 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to quickly and easily find how a website has changed over time.
  • Video Three (6 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to find exactly how many (and what kind of) pages make up a site. What you discover here is often very surprising.
  • Video Four (9 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to find exactly who's linking to a website, and how to automatically track this information over time.
  • Video Five (5 Minutes) - In this video you'll discover how to find the Page Rank of any page - without - using the Google toolbar.
  • Video Six (11 Minutes) - Here I'll show you one of the most surprising and powerful pieces of information you'll ever come across - exactly how much traffic a website is getting, where that traffic is coming from, how long each visitor is staying on the site ... and much more. The depth of this publicly available information (if you know where to look) will really surprise you.
  • Video Seven (3 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to find all the PDF documents on any website you choose.
  • Video Eight (7 Minutes) - Here I'll show you a little known way to find out exactly which web host a competitor is using.
  • Video Nine (5 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to use Alexa to find how much traffic a website is getting - and - very importantly, what you must keep in mind whenever you look at any Alexa statistics.
  • Video Ten (10 Minutes) - Here I'll show you a publicly available database that can tell you exactly which kind of products are making the most money right now.
  • Video Eleven (5 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to find exactly what products your competition are selling on the popular Froogle search engine.
  • Video Twelve (7 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how websites can hide offers and information from you, and how to easily get around this so you can discover exactly what they're up to.
  • Video Thirteen (5 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you a little known way to find out how popular a blog or newsletter is.
  • Video Fourteen (5 Minutes) - Here I'll show you an easy way to list all the title text on a competitors website.
  • Video Fifteen (9 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to easily create keyword lists (with the help of your competition) and how to expand them into thousands of terms quickly.
  • Video Sixteen (5 Minutes) - Here I'll show a very quick and easy way to find which websites your competition own but are keeping private. In this video I use this tactic on with very surprising results.
  • Video Seventeen (5 Minutes) - In this video I'll show you how to find out how much publicity your competitors are getting.
  • Video Eighteen (3 Minutes) - Here I'll show you how to find exactly where in the world any IP (internet address) is from.

Over 256 Individual Videos and More Then 2,069 Minutes Of Viewing Time This Is A Humongous Package Guaranteed To Massively Short-Cut Your Learning Curve...

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